Pilot implementation of Vulyk software helped improve understanding of ASC tasks

The first phase of the Vulyk software pilot implementation in 10 Administrative Service Centres (ASCs) within the EGOV4UKRAINE Project finishes in a few weeks. Currently, 57 ASC employees (administrators) are testing the Vulyk system and providing feedback to developers in order to improve the system. The ASCs of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Yuzhne, Olevsk and Kamyanets-Podilskyi cities are the most active in the pilot implementation.

Direct interaction between developers, implementors and administrators helped to better understand the ASC workflows. This allowed the system to be adapted to the needs of administrators.

“The administrators are enthusiastic about the pilot implementation of the system, and we are open to their feedback to develop effective tools for them,” says Mari Pedak, EGOV4UKRAINE Project Manager. “For example, administrators have suggested adding a citizen counseling option to the system. At first, there was no tool to measure the time spent on providing citizens with advice on meeting the requirements of documents for various governmental institutional,” said Mari Pedak.

Pilot implementation of the Vulyk system was carried out in the ASCs of Ukrayinka, Rzhyshchiv, Obukhiv, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Kakhovka, Nova Kakhovka, Yuzhne, Olevsk and Chortkiv cities.

The Vulyk helps to improve accessibility and quality of administrative service provision by ASCs through improvement of communication and work processes, reduction of paperwork costs and increase in data accuracy. The Vulyk system is being implemented by the E-Governance Academy (Estonia) and Soft Xpansion Ukraine in cooperation with the State Agency for E-Governance of Ukraine. This information system will be implemented in other ASCs by the end of 2018. The goal of the Project is to introduce the system in 600 ASCs throughout Ukraine by the end of 2020.


Andriy Piskun presents the Vulyk system to the administrators of the Yuzhne ASC



The Vulyk system will very soon replace the paper workflow with digital documents and data exchange



EGOV4UKRAINE Administrative services


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