13 March 2025
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Vitalii Bezghin
Vitalii Bezghin

Народний депутат України 9-го скликання, голова підкомітету з питань адміністративно-територіального устрою Комітету Верховної Ради України з питань організації державної влади, місцевого самоврядування, регіонального розвитку та містобудування

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Скинути фільтри
Agglomerations: a draft bill was registered in the Parliament Agglomerations: a draft bill was registered in the Parliament
Preparation of perspective plans: Lviv and Rivne Oblasts presented the projects of future hromadas Preparation of perspective plans: Lviv and Rivne Oblasts presented the projects of future hromadas
Consultations on future perspective plans of oblasts started Consultations on future perspective plans of oblasts started
Local elections to be held after administrative and territorial reform and based on majority vote system, - Member of Parliament Local elections to be held after administrative and territorial reform and based on majority vote system, - Member of Parliament
Are early local elections possible and what will be with decentralisation at all: views of experts and MPs Are early local elections possible and what will be with decentralisation at all: views of experts and MPs