14 March 2025
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State regional policy to be improved, and regions to be provided with more tools State regional policy to be improved, and regions to be provided with more tools
Development potential of mountain territories in the context of decentralisation – collection of materials Development potential of mountain territories in the context of decentralisation – collection of materials
Concept for mountainous areas’ development should be formed already by autumn, - Vyacheslav Nehoda Concept for mountainous areas’ development should be formed already by autumn, - Vyacheslav Nehoda
SFRD should support regional development and not finance repairs, — Hennadii Zubko SFRD should support regional development and not finance repairs, — Hennadii Zubko
Government approved draft law on ratification of Agreement on Financing the Danube Transnational Programme – Hennadii Zubko Government approved draft law on ratification of Agreement on Financing the Danube Transnational Programme – Hennadii Zubko
MinRegion will implement SMART specialisation of regional development, - Hennadii Zubko MinRegion will implement SMART specialisation of regional development, - Hennadii Zubko
Use opportunities provided by decentralisation and your uniqueness, and success will follow - Vyacheslav Nehoda to Carpathian hromadas Use opportunities provided by decentralisation and your uniqueness, and success will follow - Vyacheslav Nehoda to Carpathian hromadas
People, natural treasures and cultural heritage are huge potential for mountainous areas’ development, - Vyacheslav Nehoda People, natural treasures and cultural heritage are huge potential for mountainous areas’ development, - Vyacheslav Nehoda
Alpine experience and EU money will be applied to develop the Carpathians Alpine experience and EU money will be applied to develop the Carpathians
Prime Minister addressing local leaders: your success should be converted into citizens’ well-being Prime Minister addressing local leaders: your success should be converted into citizens’ well-being
Our task is to prepare clear route map to develop mountainous areas, - Hennadii Zubko Our task is to prepare clear route map to develop mountainous areas, - Hennadii Zubko
We have to elaborate strategy for regional development in mountainous areas, - President  We have to elaborate strategy for regional development in mountainous areas, - President
Social infrastructure should be built in line with territory development strategies, otherwise it is extravagance - Vyacheslav Nehoda Social infrastructure should be built in line with territory development strategies, otherwise it is extravagance - Vyacheslav Nehoda
Sustainable development of hromadas discussed at House of Decentralisation Sustainable development of hromadas discussed at House of Decentralisation
Decentralisation with a focus on mountainous areas. MinRegion works on the Carpathians development model Decentralisation with a focus on mountainous areas. MinRegion works on the Carpathians development model