Open air movie paradise. Know-how of Bashtanska AH

A mobile cinema purchased with the donors’ support shows movies in the Bashtanska AH of the Mykolayiv Oblast.

By Dmytro Synyak

Introduction of the participatory budget has changed the Bashtanska AH. Last year it made up UAH 550 thousand – 50 thousand per each of 11 winning projects. Due to implementation of these projects children’s playgrounds, street gyms, multimedia complexes in kindergartens and electrocardiographs appeared in hromada villages.

This year the AH has implemented, probably, the most visible participatory budget project: a small letter installation “I love Bashtanka” has been set up on the scruffy bank of the largest pond in the city centre.

Ivan Rubskyi, head of the Bashtanska AH

Due to implementation of these projects children’s playgrounds, street gyms, multimedia complexes in kindergartens and electrocardiographs appeared in hromada villages

Nearby the Mayor’s office there is a small stage in the shadow of old acacias with a dozen of benches in front of it, created from pellets for cargo transportation.

Open air mobile cinema of the Bashtanska AH


The total estimate of the project is almost UAH 183 thousand. According to DOBRE project rules, hromada’s installment has to be no less than 30%. Though the Bashtanska AH paid about UAH 13 thousand, yet provided assessment of the land plot for the cinema placement. Children of the Bashtanska AH made their own contribution by paining the benches for the stationary cinema in Bashtanka. According to the total calculations, DOBRE invested UAH 114 thousand, and the Bashtanka local council allocated UAH 69 thousand. Roll mats, laptop, projector, mixing booth, screen and acoustic system were purchased at the donor’s expense.

Children are pleased about the mobile cinema arrival the most


Photos made by the author and Bashtanska AH

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


participatory budget youth article report


Миколаївська область


Баштанська територіальна громада


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