Debates on “Why should hromadas amalgamate” will take place today, on 23 October, in Poltava.
The purpose of the debates is to provide comprehensive information on the essence of the reforms of local self-government and territorial organisation of power, decentralisation of powers, explain the benefits of reform on the example of existing AHs, and provide answers to questions of interest to the public and local authorities.
The audience will also discuss the norms of the draft law №9204 "On Establishment, Elimination and Change of the Borders of the Poltava Oblast's Rayons", registered in the Verkhovna Rada.
The event is organised by the Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) with the support of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, Poltava Oblast State Administration.
The participants of the debates include the heads, local council deputies, educators and healthcare sector representatives, the public of the Dykanka, Zinkiv, Kotelva, Orzhytsya Rayons, as well as heads of AHs and starostas from other regions of Ukraine, experts.
Venue of the event: 5, Yevropeyska street, Poltava (the building of the Poltava Art Museum named after. M. Yaroshenko)
DESPRO debates amalgamation of hromadas
Полтавська областьSource:
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