Call for applications for participation in the "Community 4 People" Project

The U-LEAD with Europe Programme invites amalgamated hromadas (AHs) to take part in the Project “Communities 4 People: Building Capacity of Amalgamated Hromadas for Improving Social Services”. 

This U-LEAD initiative is implemented jointly with the International Charity Partnership for Every Child.

The Project is aimed at improvement of citizens’ well-being and quality of social services provision to vulnerable population through building capacity of AHs’ heads and specialists in implementation of integrated social protection system.

For further details of the Project’s activities and training programme, please, follow the link.

Within the frames of the Project (November 2018-August 2019) participating AHs will:

  • complete a comprehensive training programme in the field of social protection and social services development;
  • receive advisory support in the development of new services in AHs;
  • take part in international and nationwide study tours to share experience and best practices;
  • get the opportunity to develop projects for the improvement of social services.

Participation cost will be covered by the Project.

Upon completion of the Project the participating AHs will be able to:

  • understand their responsibility for the safety and well-being of their AHs citizens, ensure equal access to services for vulnerable categories and the rights of the child;
  • define system of social support and social protection;
  • identify priorities for developing a range of social services based on the needs;
  • implement the innovative methods and technologies of social work;
  • develop and implement social projects to improve the quality of social services in hromadas;
  • transfer and share their own experience, acquired knowledge and skills.

Applications should be submitted through the online form by the 20th of October 2018. The selection results will be announced to the AHs by the 30th of October 2018. If you are unable to fill in the form, please contact the person below to receive an accessible version of the application.

A proportional approach shall be applied in the selection process. It provides AHs, that already have some experience and achievements in the development of social services, as well as AHs, that are at the initial stage and are willing to develop social services in their communities, with the possibility to participate in the project. This approach will create additional opportunities for exchanging experience in the development of social services.

Contact person:

Olga Pavlik, Training Programmes Manager

tel.: +38 050 330 51 79, e-mail:

28.09.2018 - 15:12 | Views: 27544
Call for applications for participation in the "Community 4 People" Project


study social services U-LEAD youth


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