Amalgamated hromadas of Poltava Oblast create “safety territories”

The Bilotserkivska amalgamated hromada, located in the Velyka Bahachka Rayon of the Poltava Oblast, plans to select its own candidate for the post of a district police officer. Thus, the AH head Ivan Leshchenko visited the Chief Police Directorate in the Poltava Oblast. The visit of the AH head coincided with the official announcement of a competitive selection for the positions of district police officers in the territorial departments and police units of the Poltava Oblast. The documents will be accepted until 9 October 2018.

Zhanna Akhidzhanyan, head of district police officers in the Poltava Oblast, and Lyudmyla Dibrova, head of the policemen selection sector, met with the AH head.

They talked about the right of the hromada to select their own candidate for the position of the district police officer, terms of the competitive selection and subsequent professional training. They also considered the possibility of creating a police station on the AH territory.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


26.09.2018 - 10:30 | Views: 16324
Amalgamated hromadas of Poltava Oblast create “safety territories”

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safety police


Полтавська область


Білоцерківська територіальна громада Мачухівська територіальна громада


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