Success story of Zatyshanska hromada: modern schools and kindergartens, roads and stadiums, business and environment

It took the Zatyshanska AH in the Odesa Oblast a year and a half to implement changes which can’t remain unnoticed. The Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, tells about the priorities of the local councils after the amalgamation of the Zatyshok settlement and Torosove village councils.

One of the priorities of the new hromada refers to repair and modern equipment in schools.

“The school in the Zatyshanska hromada had been working without any repair for about 50 years. A while ago, we completely refurbished the roof for UAH 900 thousand. We also refurbished the ground floor. Our next step is to fix the next floors of the school. We also purchase equipment for physics, chemistry and other classes. Now we have modern classes where children feel interested and comfortable. I am convinced that schools in rural areas must be as good as in the city. For instance, we have six interactive boards. I think you can’t find that many of them in some big city school," tells mayor of the settlement Hennadii Topolnytsky.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


12.09.2018 - 14:14 | Views: 13123

Attached images:


Одеська область


Затишанська територіальна громада


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