The upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections will for sure influence the quality of decisions proposed for adoption in the coming months. And the risk of populism aimed to destabilise the situation in the country is present. That is why, the key task of the Government, Parliament and the public is to have a dialogue to ensure stability and further economic growth.
This statement was made by Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman at the Forum “Full Mobilisation: Joint Action Plan”. The event took place as part of a number of public discussions about reforms and the preparation of a joint action plan of the government and the public for next year.
The first point of such a dialogue is the further decentralisation as the basis for changes in the country. “I am concerned about the decision to suspend local elections. I think these are temporary difficulties. I have no doubt about this. But we must overcome them and unblock the elections in amalgamated hromadas”, said Volodymyr Groysman.
He also expressed the opinion that attention must be paid to the development of hromadas, including management issues in local self-government bodies, territorial planning, administrative order and subsidies for the development of AHs.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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