MinRegion has prepared recommendations for amalgamated hromadas (AHs) on how to create their own effective development strategy and plan its implementation.
"In a context of decentralisation, capable hromadas get substantial powers and resources. To use them effectively, a high-quality local development strategy and a clear plan for its implementation are needed. The heads of AHs understand their responsibility for the future of their hromadas, therefore, they try not only to “patch the holes”, but apply a strategic approach to their territories. In order to help them in this, MinRegion together with the experts prepared Methodological Recommendations – the only basis for the strategies and plans of socio-economic development of hromadas," said Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services.
According to him, all hromadas, even those that already have their strategies and plans, can use these universal tips.
"It will not be in vain for hromadas to compare their strategic documents with these recommendations, prepared by us with due account of modern approaches, successful hromadas’ experience and involvement of the best experts. Thus, AHs can be confident that they use proven, clear and understandable approaches for their development," said the First Deputy Minister.
Methodological recommendations were developed by the experts of the Directorate of Regional Development of MinRegion together with the experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.
These recommendations were approved by all oblast state administrations and associations of local self-government bodies.
V.Nehoda amalgamation of hromadas plan
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