Centre of the Starokozatska amalgamated hromada is an ancient village founded by Ust-Danube and Transdanubian Cossacks, so the AH is known in the oblast both as an ancient cultural centre and as a rather powerful economic hub with growth prospects.
The Starokozatska AH is one of five functioning in the Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi Rayon of the Odesa Oblast. The first elections took place here on 29 October 2017, it includes four local councils and a population of over 9600 people.
Pavlo Osmateskul, first deputy village head, says that there are many enterprises in the hromada: a large cheese dairy, employing about 300 local residents, enterprises for processing agricultural products, and a powerful solar power plant.
There are four kindergartens in the AH, and the central one – Starokozatske kindergarten – is attended by more than 200 children.
After amalgamation, the hromada decided that safety of children's institutions should be a priority, thus electrical wiring and all the electrical equipment was replaced in three kindergartens (except for Starokozatske one, where all the repairs were carried out before).
One more direction of work is playgrounds’ installation. There are also shifts in the field of sports, first of all school-based sports: the AH purchased equipment for karate training in the Starokozatske school, all four hromada schools received sports equipment for UAH 70 thousand. They also plan to restore football in the hromada soon.
The reconstruction of the central park has recently started in Starokozatske. Here the sidewalks are being paved, brushes are being removed, and new benches set up.
The hromada is activelz engaged in street lighting. This year sidewalks are planned to be made in each village, and the works will be carried out exclusively by local employees.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Одеська областьГромади:
Старокозацька територіальна громадаSource:
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