It has its own fountain, a football field with artificial surface and children's service. A car for a doctor was bought, and not a single school was closed after amalgamation. The milkmaid’s salary in the village amounts to UAH 20 thousand. It is the way of management shown by the Zorivska amalgamated hromada in the Cherkasy Oblast formed on the border of two rayons.
Now the educational and cultural institutions are actively being repaired here, roads are being improved, and ideas on creating hromada’s own production are being developed.
Yuriy Hunko, head of the amalgamated hromada, has been working as a village chairman since 1995. He said that previously he had to beg money for the village development from the rayon or oblast, but now people can manage the budget of the hromada by themselves and can see the results of their work.
10 January 2025
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