Liability will come inevitably, - MinRegion on obstacles to AH formation

Over the past two months, consultations on the issues of accession of rural and settlement hromadas to hromadas of cities of oblast significance have been held in almost eight dozen cities of oblast significance, as reported by the Association of Ukrainian Cities. Such work started as soon as the Law, simplifying the procedure of hromadas’ accession to cities of oblast significance, came into force.

According to the Association, 5 hromadas of cities of oblast significance: Bilyayivka, Khmilnyk, Lozova, Kolomyia and Voznesensk, have already made a decision to give consent to voluntary accession of adjacent rural hromadas.

However, according to the AUC, some hromadas are not able to complete the accession procedure, since by now perspective plans for the formation of hromadas in the relevant oblasts have not envisaged such accession at all or in full. There are 87 of such hromadas today.

“In order to complete the process of accession of the respective hromadas of villages and urban-type settlements to hromadas of cities of oblast significance, it is urgent to submit for the Government’s consideration the relevant draft regulations taking into account the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Voluntary Amalgamation of Hromadas” regarding the voluntary accession of villages, urban-type settlements to hromadas of cities of oblast significance,” as explained at the Association.

Other sources reported to that the rayon executive authorities of the Zakarpattia Oblast exert pressure on hromadas that initiated accession to Mukachevo. In the Chernivtsi Oblast, in spite of a perspective plan and with the assistance of the rayon council, an AH consisting of two village councils is being formed around the city of Novodnistrovsk.

The Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine warn against violations of the current legislation, reminding that the responsibility will come inevitably.

“The state does not carry out the reform either for officials or against them. The reform is carried out in order to ensure a high living standard for citizens on each territory – rural, settlement or urban. There are many other areas for the officials, who oppose the process, where they can try their skills and knowledge. And the reform tasks should be implemented by the officials, truly capable of serving people, along with hromadas. Those, who impose obstacles, deliberately or unknowingly violate the law, and liability for it should come inevitably,” commented Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services.

He urged the regions not to waste time and to remove obstacles to the formation of amalgamated hromadas with centres in the cities of oblast significance.

05.07.2018 - 09:14 | Views: 17327
Liability will come inevitably, - MinRegion on obstacles to AH formation


AUC V.Nehoda amalgamation of hromadas accession


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