The current legislation allows cities to unite neighbouring hromadas around themselves and receive maximum powers, resources and opportunities for development without excessive bureaucratic procedures. Time is the only thing they are currently lacking. Therefore, the main thing is not to wait, not to delay and not to be afraid to take responsibility, said Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, speaking at the meeting of the local economic development section of the Association of Ukrainian Cities “Practice and prospects of hromadas’ economic development” within the framework of the 3rd Local Development Forum in Truskavets, Lviv Oblast.
"Cities, and especially cities of oblast significance, are centres of territory development, so they have to spread their influence on the surrounding settlements to develop together. We are counting on the assistance of the Association of Ukrainian Cities to stimulate cities to become leaders in the process of capable hromadas’ establishment,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda.
The First Deputy Minister reminded that the next local elections to be held in 2020 should take place on a new territorial basis.
"And it is much better if this basis is established voluntarily. To do this, it is necessary for each hromada to make its own step towards the changes. Only then will these changes be perceived by society and will form a new quality of life in hromadas,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda.
He also noted that within the decentralised management system, which is currently being built in the country, no decision on land issues or development of territories should be taken without the participation of local self-government bodies. Therefore, it is important that the cities and AHs are not afraid to take responsibility for the development of their territory and more actively take over the powers of architectural and building control.
"In the course of three years, only 90 cities and 11 amalgamated hromadas received the powers of the State Architectural and Building Inspection, and now they settle all construction issues and are accountable to the residents. It should be like this everywhere. Because this is exactly the logic of decentralisation of powers. I hope that the AUC will also work with the cities in this and we’ll manage to accelerate the process of powers’ transfer,” said the First Deputy Minister.
V.Nehoda State Architectural and Building Inspection amalgamation of hromadas accession
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