Bicycles for social workers in AH of Vinnytsia Oblast

In the Vinnytsia Oblast, the Nemyrivska AH has established its own social service centre to improve the service for single elderly people. And it has also provided social workers with bicycles to increase their mobility.

This was announced to Ukrinform by Oleksandr Khikhlach, deputy head on development of infrastructure and investment projects of the Nemyrivska AH, during a press conference organised by the Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

“Our hromada is one of the leaders in the capacity rating – our budget of the last year amounted to UAH 128 million, UAH 46 million of which is the development budget. This year we have over-execution of the budget at the level of 122%. New opportunities, that have appeared as a result of AH establishment, will be directed by us to improve the lives of our people, including the elderly people. The communal institution “Nemyriv territorial social service centre” was created for this purpose. Today, its employees render services to single elderly people at home, and in future we plan to create our own institution of geriatric type”, informed Oleksandr Khikhlach.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



20.06.2018 - 17:15 | Views: 15232
Bicycles for social workers in AH of Vinnytsia Oblast


social services


Вінницька область


Немирівська територіальна громада



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