Zavorsklyanska AH established on-site social services for villagers

The Zavorsklyanska amalgamated hromada of the Poltava Oblast, where the first elections took place less than six months ago, already shows examples of effective adjustment of the system of social service delivery to the population. At the initiative of Vyacheslav Solohora, head of the AH, on-site provision of comprehensive social services started in the most remote Pysarivka starosta district of the hromada. It is the only one from the neighbouring Novi Sanzhary Rayon, which became part of Zavorsklyanska AH of the Poltava Oblast. Another six starosta districts are within the Poltava Rayon.

This time, a professional hairdresser and massage therapist came to Pysarivka. Besides, on this day, the villagers were able to have their blood pressure measured for free and pass their blood test for sugar content.

Setting up systematic on-site services for pensioners and those who need it in remote settlements is one of the first tangible results of work of the newly formed AH. Earlier this year, the heads of three AHs with centres in the Poltava Rayon (Zavorsklyanska, Machukhivska and Shcherbanivska AHs) agreed on the joint maintenance and co-financing of the centre.

"Social services in the countryside are a very sensitive area. And the fact that it was possible to start serving AH residents living "not in their rayon" is a good innovation and an example for others to follow. The progressive experience of the Zavorsklyanska AH should become a guideline for other AHs, established with village councils of several rayons," said Iryna Balybina, director of the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.


23.05.2018 - 10:49 | Views: 14723
Zavorsklyanska AH established on-site social services for villagers

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social services


Полтавська область


Терешківська територіальна громада


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