On May 15, the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and Minregion, organised a press tour for journalists from the Odesa Oblast to the Tuzlivska rural amalgamated hromada, located in the Tatarbunary Rayon.
In the course of two years, the hromada, formed in 2015 by amalgamation of two village councils (seven villages), has implemented a number of large-scale projects, some of which were shown to journalists.
According to Larysa Kornovan-Moyseienko, head of the hromada, over two years of the AH functioning, it has managed to substantially strengthen the local budget. If in 2015 two budgets of village councils totaled UAH 3 million 271 thousand, then in 2016 the annual budget of the hromada exceeded UAH 14 million 408 thousand, and the estimate in 2017 amounted to more than UAH 26.5 million.
In addition to its own revenues, the AH receives a subvention from the state budget for the formation of infrastructure.
Victory of the AH project of thermo-modernisation of the Tuzly educational complex in the competition of the State Fund for Regional Development is a significant hromada’s achievement.
In 2017, UAH 2.4 million were allocated from the budget for the improvement of the AH villages.
In 2018, the hromada will receive UAH 1 million 257 thousand of the state infrastructure subvention, and plans to direct these funds to the overhaul of street lighting in Tuzliv and Bezimnyanka.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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Одеська областьГромади:
Тузлівська територіальна громадаSource:
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