Two years ago, when residents of many villages heard only an echo of decentralisation changes, the current Krynychanska AH decided to take the plunge and showed an example of a successful amalgamation. The hromada received funds, self-sufficiency, new powers. They managed to learn through the hard way, and get experience, knowledge and victories.
It is done not for Europe, politicians, or for the sake of the reform. The main goal is to improve the quality of everyone’s life, because citizens are the key element of the reform. Have they hit the target? The Dniprograd journalist checked the situation.
"The benefits of amalgamation, of course, include a significant replenishment of the hromada budget. At the moment, we receive about UAH 50 million per year. Over two years we have managed to develop and implement a number of projects: purchased and installed water supply, since the issue with water was the most acute one in the area, illuminated the streets, invested a lot of money in solving energy efficiency issues in educational institutions, and actively began to repair roads in villages. Computers and interactive whiteboards were purchased and sports grounds were installed in all schools," said Ihor Lisovyi, head of the Krynychanska AH.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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