Energy efficiency, business support and pupils – responsible citizens: success story of Dubivska hromada

The Dubivska amalgamated hromada was established at the end of 2016. It includes Oblapy, Horodyshche and Dubove village councils.

The hub school and kindergarten in the Dubivka AH were demonstrated in the framework of the press tour at the initiative of the Volyn Local Government Development Centre.

Hub school in Dubove village

Last year the hub school was insulated, its roof was renovated and territory landscaping was carried out at the expense of about two million UAH.

Kindergarten “Dzvinochok”

The kindergarten was insulated before amalgamation. The building is heated by a pellet boiler. In future, hromada plans to connect it to a centralised heating system.

Development of the Dubivska hromada and decentralisation

AH head Roman Trotsyuk notes that budget filling is of a priority for hromada.

"We work with entrepreneurs, as our hromada is specific in the sense that we are located near the town of Kovel, and there are enterprises that pay taxes to the town of Kovel, being located on our territory. We are negotiating with them in order for them to re-register and for us to receive tax payments. We promise to do something for entrepreneurs as well: repair roads near their enterprises, because the town will not do it on our territory, and we will make favorable conditions for the enterprises to develop," he says.

He also said that in future, a civil initiative programme is to be carried out in the AH, which will help to attract non-indifferent residents of the Dubivska hromada to the AH development.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Волинська область


Дубівська територіальна громада



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