Challenge to be leader: example of Apostolivska AH

The Dnipropetrovsk Oblast has financial and tourist potential, but until recently it could not reveal it. Today the attempts of tourist self-realisation are demonstrated by the oblast centre, Petrykivka and Prysamarya, well-known outside the oblast. But we will travel to the south – where the descendants of the Cossack liberties not only dared to live in a new way in the rocky steppe, but became leaders in many respects. Thus, we focus on the Apostolivskaamalgamated hromada.

The Apostolivska AH became a vivid example of the reasonable implementation of the very idea of ​​decentralisation, in many respects becoming a pioneer of this process in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

With the new financial opportunities, the hromada has embarked on urgent problems: reconstruction of hospitals, outpatient clinics, kindergartens, installment of energy-saving windows, street lighting, construction of a hub school, repair of roads, etc. Local residents immediately felt the changes in the implementation of decentralisation. The Apostolivska AH was the first in the oblast to receive the right to independently use town-planning functions from the State Construction and Architecture Agency. The hromada’s achievements include the establishment of a modern ASC. Besides, four modern children's playgrounds have been recently installed in the town of Apostolove and in the villages of Shyrochany and Zaporizke. It is noteworthy that the development of tourism is among the AH projects. The active development of the hromada is noticed both by the local residents, as well as by the rayon and oblast authorities.

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20.03.2018 - 11:24 | Views: 13813
Challenge to be leader: example of Apostolivska AH


Дніпропетровська область


Апостолівська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Апостолівська територіальна громада



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