The Ministry of Health together with the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services have developed and approved the Procedure for the formation of capable networks of primary healthcare provision. Now there is a legal basis for the adoption of plans to build a primary network in the rural areas, so that every Ukrainian, irrespective of his/her place of residence, can receive high-quality healthcare in a timely manner.
More than 13 million Ukrainians living in villages need better access to high-quality medical services, so the primary goal is to create a network of healthcare facilities, so that people do not have to overcome tens of kilometres to the nearest outpatient clinic, and doctors are interested in moving to work in villages. At the end of last year, the Law "On improving accessibility and quality of healthcare in rural areas" came into force.
The budget envisages UAH 5 billion, which in particular will be used for the construction of new outpatient clinics, provision of housing for doctors, purchase of medical equipment and office transport.
In December last year, the Government instructed the Ministry of Health together with the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services to develop and approve the Procedure for the formation of capable networks of primary healthcare provision.
The Procedure that is already valid determines the criteria for the development and approval of a primary healthcare network plan. These are perspective long-term plans for network building in rural areas, so that a resident of each settlement could receive high-quality healthcare.
Rayons and amalgamated hromadas have already begun preparing plans. After adoption at the oblast level and approval by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services will supervise the process of the network development.
A capable network of primary healthcare provides that even if your settlement does not have a doctor's office or outpatient clinic, they will be located in such a way that the doctor will be able to quickly come to the patient, if necessary. It is for such cases that doctors will have office transport.
It is equally important that healthcare is not only accessible, but also of a high-quality, and that qualified doctors are willing to work in villages. Therefore, part of the funds will be spent on equipping healthcare facilities and purchase of modern equipment. In addition, healthcare specialists in many villages will receive free housing, and the salary of all primary link doctors will change significantly by the end of the year, when the healthcare institutions join the healthcare reform and sign contracts with the National Health Service of Ukraine.
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