AHs to present their business ideas in final issue of "Million-Hryvnia Hromada"
On Sunday, 11 March, at 9.50 am the 1+1 TV channel will broadcast the final issue of the business and entertainment “Million-Hryvnia Hromada” reality programme. It will reveal which amalgamated hromada will receive UAH 1 million from the WNISEF fund.
The Buzka and Pechenizhynska AHs will compete for the main prize in the finals, though all participating hromadas will be present at the business ball on the occasion of winner determination. To get UAH 1 million, the finalists will need to present their business ideas in 3 minutes and convince investors that they are worthy of victory.
However, presenters and investors Dmytro Ohnyov and Iryna Ozymok, as well as the USAID-DOBRE programme, have made unexpected surprises for all project participants for their achievements. The hromada to impress the programme representatives with its business idea will receive UAH 250 thousand for its implementation.
In addition, a special prize is provided for one of the hromadas. The AH experiencing the lack of professional staff will be able to conclude a contract for a five-year period with a highly skilled specialist in the required field.
Another unexpected prize will be an educational trip to Poland to gain experience and advice from European experts.
The “Million-Hryvnia Hromada” project was created by “1+1 Production” and implemented jointly with the USAID-DOBRE programme supporting the development of amalgamated hromadas in Ukraine. The main prize in the amount of UAH 1 million was provided by the American WNISEF fund.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Волинська область Івано-Франківська область Луганська область Миколаївська область Тернопільська областьГромади:
Печеніжинська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Скала-Подільська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Княгининівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Бузька сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Новопсковська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Скала-Подільська територіальна громада Бузька територіальна громада Казанківська територіальна громадаSource:
Телеканал «1+1»
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