How hromada won court case against supermarket

There was a problem in the small town of Vilnyansk in the Zaporizhzhya Oblast. In the town centre, cases of law infringement have become more frequent. Police could not do anything. Drunk people attacked passers-by and made a series of barbaric acts, which, after all, began to perturb the hromada. Moreover, the shop of one of the all-Ukrainian food supermarket chains started requesting permission for round-the-clock work from the executive committee, which actually meant the round-the-clock sale of alcohol.

According to the local authorities, such a permit could worsen the situation, since a round-the-clock access to alcohol increases the risk of criminal activity, especially at night.

The executive committee of the Vilnyansk Town Council provided the supermarket with permission to work from 5 AM till midnight.

Business representatives did not like this approach and applied to court. The proceedings lasted for two years. The case went from the rayon to the higher administrative court. Finally, in January 2017, the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine put a full stop in this story and took side of the town council and town community.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

06.02.2018 - 16:40 | Views: 11564
How hromada won court case against supermarket


Запорізька область


Вільнянська територіальна громада


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