New ASCs to be opened in five amalgamated hromadas of Luhansk Oblast

Within the framework of the UNDP Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme, the project “Restoration of Governance and Reconciliation in Crisis-Affected Communities of Ukraine”, funded by the European Union, is being implemented in nine rayons.

This project is operating in the Bilovodsk, Bilokurakyne, Kreminna, Markivka, Novoaydar, Novopskov, Popasna, Starobilsk and Troyitske Rayons.

Work is ongoing on the establishment of five new Administrative Service Centres in the Bilokurakynska, Troyitska, Novopskovska AHs, Krasnorichenska AH of the Kreminna Rayon and Chmyrivska AH of the Starobilsk Rayon.

Support is provided to five functioning centres in the urban-type settlements of Bilovodsk, Markivka, Novoaydar, as well as towns of Kreminna and Popasna.

In September last year, the updated ASC office, equipped with all necessary equipment, furniture, etc., was opened at Popasna Rayon State Administration.

Due to the USAID's Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative (UCBI) Project, the ASCs in Lysychansk, Severodonetsk, Rubizhne, Starobilsk, and Kreminna received international technical assistance in the amount of about three million UAH.

The mechanism of place of residence registration has been improved on the basis of the ASC. Therefore, citizens registered in the centres of Lysychansk, Severodonetsk, Rubizhne and Kreminna receive this service for up to 10 minutes. The positive experience of the Lysychansk residents was studied by specialists from the Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Poltava Oblasts.

The project purchased and installed an electronic queuing system for the centres of Lysychansk, Rubizhne, Kreminna and Starobilsk, which greatly streamlined the work of these centres.

In addition, within the frames of the German-Ukrainian project “Reform of Municipal Services in Eastern Ukraine II”, implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the work on the establishment of a regional training and methodological centre for oblast centre administrators was launched in Lysychansk.


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