How will electronic healthcare system work?

To enter the reform, the primary healthcare institution should choose a medical information system (MIS) and connect to the electronic healthcare system, which is currently in the test mode. As of 23 January 2018, 702 establishments have registered in the system.

Why is the electronic system necessary?

When patients conclude declarations with chosen doctors, the latter will register patients in the system. Thus, the National Health Service of Ukraine will be able to pay to the institution, where this doctor treats each patient.

In future, the electronic system will enable patients to quickly obtain their medical information, and doctors – to make correct diagnosis with a view of a coherent picture of the patient’s health. The system will replace paper medical cards and certificates, doctors will prescribe electronic recipes that cannot be falsified.

In Ukraine, the system will consist of a central component responsible for centralised storage and processing of information and medical information systems (MIS).

Healthcare institutions will be able to choose any MIS among those tested and connected to the central component of the electronic system. At that, commercial medical information systems guarantee provision of a basic package of electronic services.

When should declarations on the choice of doctor be concluded?

From 1 April 2018, patients will be able to choose their primary healthcare doctor and sign a Declaration with him/her. It is worth reminding that a primary healthcare doctor can be a family doctor, pediatrician or physician. The patient can choose any doctor for himself, regardless of the place of registration or residence. The declaration on the choice of a primary healthcare doctor to be signed by every Ukrainian with his/her doctor, informs the state that exactly this doctor will receive money for treatment of a particular patient.

By this time the signing of the declarations on the choice of the doctor is carried out in the pilot mode. It is done so that doctors have time to learn how to use the functionality of the MIS, as well as to test the central component of the electronic healthcare system.

At the same time, the draft contracts between primary healthcare institutions and the National Health Service will be finalised.



23.01.2018 - 13:15 | Views: 11513
How will electronic healthcare system work?




Міністерство охорони здоров’я Украіни

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