How Bilozerska AH settles issue of preferential transportation of citizens

The Bilozerska AH has introduced vouchers for priviledged citizens.

At the end of 2017, the implementation of preferential transportation in the Bilozerka Rayon was on hold.

Antonina Cherednyk, head of the rural settlement, told how the problem of preferential transportation had been solved in the newly established Bilozerska AH.

“At the last session of the rural settlement council, we adopted a programme of socio-economic development of the hromada, which, in particular, resolved the issue of preferential transportation of citizens. Taking into account the successful experience of the Muzykivska AH, we introduced a voucher system for the reimbursement of preferential transportation of certain categories of citizens.”

According to Antonina Cherednyk, since January every privileged citizen can receive four vouchers per month for two trips to the city and backwards. Exception is granted to people who need to go to Kherson for hemodialysis every other day.

“This category of citizens is provided with an individual travel ticket with a photo,” tells the rural settlement head. “Due to the agreement with the carriers, the participants of military actions – veterans of the Second World War, international warriors and ATO participants – will not pay for the trip at all.”

UAH 200 thousand are envisaged for the implementation of this programme. It is too early to tell whether these funds will be enough. The Bilozerka rural settlement council will make conclusions in early February when it receives the report on the used vouchers from carriers.




Херсонська область


Білозерська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Білозерська територіальна громада



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