Burynska AH introduced financial assistance to families at birth of child

A newly established Burynska urban amalgamated hromada in the Sumy Oblast began its work with social initiatives. The first local elections took place in the hromada in the autumn of 2017, and since the beginning of 2018, the local authorities have initiated the payment of one-time financial assistance at the birth of a child in the amount of UAH 20 thousand.

Ruslan and Lilia’s daughter Alinka was born on the New Year holidays. Together with the birth certificate, the family received financial assistance from the hromada.

Buryn mayor Viktor Ladukha explained that introduction of such a social initiative to his proposal was supported by the deputies of the council.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

17.01.2018 - 15:09 | Views: 16292
Burynska AH introduced financial assistance to families at birth of child


Сумська область


Буринська територіальна громада


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