The Zvanivska hromada in the Bakhmut Rayon of the Donetsk Oblast, where a significant number of the population is formed by the families of relocated Lemkys and Boykys, was established in October 2017, in spite of all the obstacles that stood on its path to amalgamation, since the hromada was not even listed in the perspective plan.
From the very beginning, the local activists were convinced that the ethnic origin of Lemkys and Boykys, who were forcibly displaced from the Zakarpattya Oblast to Zvanivka in the middle of the last century, will help the Zvanivska hromada to revive and develop in future. Thus, a small hromada with just over 3 thousand residents, yet strong roots, can get on its feet.
The first elections in the Zvanivska AH were scheduled for October last year, and in the last days of December the hromada was transferred to direct interbudgetary relations from 2018.
“The young hromada got an opportunity to manage budget resources independently along with rayons and cities of oblast significance,” said Serhiy Ivakhnin, Local Finance Adviser of the Donetsk Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. “When Zvanivka receives an infrastructure subvention from the state budget and additional funds for development from the oblast budget, then there will be a clearer understanding of the AH development.”
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Донецька областьГромади:
Званівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Званівська територіальна громадаSource:
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