On 27 December, the renovated premises of the therapeutic department of the Malyn rayon hospital were opened in the Chopovytska AH in the Zhytomyr Oblast. Due to the funding of the local council and benefactors, the hromada managed to repair the building that used to be a gerontological department until spring 2017.
“In February, the rayon council closed the gerontological department, and we decided that vacated premises should be repaired to transfer the department of our physicians there. Over 9 months, with the benefactors’ support and together with our medical specialists, we have completely renovated the premises, and from now on the healthcare services will be provided to the hromada residents in comfortable conditions,” said Mykhaylo Filonenko, head of the Chopovytska AH.
The windows of the building were replaced with energy-saving ones, heating system of the institution was modernised and connected to the boiler-house, thus saving a lot of money on building’s heating.
“There is already a comfortable and convenient healthcare institution for almost 5 thousand residents of the hromada. The modernisation of the department will enable us to increase our ability to serve the population. In addition, we have received an impetus for development, because the hromada has a range of doctors’ dynasties and this building will become the basis for the formation of quality healthcare services in the hromada,” said Viktor Rayets, head of the therapeutic department.
The department was redesigned, which allowed the construction of a new food unit and extension of the wards and premises for the medical staff. By the New Year, local authorities plan to purchase 4 sets of computer equipment for family doctors who will work in the department. For this purpose, over UAH 50 thousand were allocated. There is already a high-speed Internet connection, allowing the introduction of modern technologies in healthcare.
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Житомирська областьГромади:
Чоповицька територіальна громадаSource:
Житомирський Центр розвитку місцевого самоврядування
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