MinRegion published the updated monitoring of the process of decentralisation of power and local self-government reform.
According to the monitoring data, 692 amalgamated hromadas were established in Ukraine, of which 51 AHs will hold their first elections on 24 December 2017, and 27 AHs are waiting for the appointment of elections by the Central Electoral Commission.
In total, 3247 local councils have amalgamated, i.e. almost a third of the total number of village, settlement and town councils functioning prior to the beginning of the process.
There are already about 6 million residents in amalgamated hromadas. The average number of residents in an AH is 8760 people.
There are 15 rayons in Ukraine completely covered by amalgamated hromadas. In 111 rayons, most of their territories belong to AHs. 199 rayons – almost half of the total number – have at least one AH.
The five oblasts leading in the establishment of amalgamated hromadas are as follows:
The monitoring data traditionally shows the increase of own revenues of local budgets, this indicator has now reached UAH 173 billion. At the same time, the available funds remaining in the local budgets are also increasing, totaling about UAH 80 billion, of which UAH 14.6 billion are held on deposit accounts.
Monitorings of the previous periods can be found HERE
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