UAH 900 million of transfers and the first non-subsidised amalgamated hromada in Bukovyna. It became known how much funds amalgamated hromadas of the Chernivtsi Oblast will receive next year. On 7 December, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the State Budget for 2018. Supplement 6 determines the amount of transfers from the state budget to local ones, including to amalgamated hromadas.
The positive fact is that from 1 January all 26 AHs (and even those 4, where elections will be held on 24 December) switch to direct interbudgetary relations with the State Budget. Next year hromadas will receive about UAH 900 million of transfers, of which UAH 544 million as educational subvention, UAH 192 million as healthcare subvention, and UAH 164 million as the basic subsidy.
The Kitsmanska AH became the first in the Chernivtsi Oblast, that will not receive the basic subsidy, and just the opposite – will give funds in the amount of UAH 1.4 million to the State Budget in the form of a reverse subsidy. The amount of personal income tax per capita, collected in this hromada, is higher than the average one in Ukraine.
Most of the basic subsidy funds will be received by the hromadas of the Storozhynets Rayon, in particular by the Storozhynetska AH – UAH 20 million, Velykokuchurivska AH – UAH 12 million, Chudeyska AH and Krasnoyilska AH – UAH 9.5 million. And if a large amount of the basic subsidy for the Storozhynetska AH can be substantiated by the size of this hromada, then three others should actively work on increasing their own revenues to the budget.
Чернівецька областьГромади:
Кіцманська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Кіцманська територіальна громадаSource:
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