Memorandum on cooperation signed between Ministry of Youth and Sports and Association of Amalgamated Hromadas

On 3 December a Memorandum on understanding and cooperation was concluded between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and Local Self-Government Association “Association of Amalgamated Hromadas”. The document was signed by Minister Ihor Zhdanov and Association head Oleksandr Korinnyi.

As Ihor Zhdanov noted, the decentralisation reform shows the main path of Ukraine’s development. It affects the everyday life of all citizens, concerns the space of human life, namely education, healthcare and sports.

The Minister focused on the quality of services provided to Ukrainians, importance of youth policy and development of mass sports and physical culture.

“Villages, towns and cities will be alive as long as young people are there. We want our young people to live in decent conditions, receive high-quality education and a prospect for the future,” said Ihor Zhdanov.

According to the Minister, capable amalgamated hromadas can develop and implement worthy projects, in particular, enable young people to travel abroad, communicate, study, but return to their homeland.

Olelsandr Korinnyi expressed his gratitude to the leadership of the Ministry of Youth and Sports for active involvement in the implementation of ideas. The head of the Association confirmed the desire to work on the principle that youth is our present and expressed the hope for the implementation of new joint projects in hromadas.

According to the Memorandum, signed at the Second General Meeting of the Association of AH on 03 December, the parties will cooperate in the development of youth policy, national patriotic education, physical culture and sports at the national and local levels.

Joint implementation of initiatives and projects is planned to create conditions for intellectual self-improvement, youth development, formation of their active civil stance, and youth involvement in the social and public life of the state.

It also concerns establishment of an affordable youth and sports infrastructure in Ukraine for training, self-realisation and meaningful youth leisure.

04.12.2017 - 08:57 | Views: 11952
Memorandum on cooperation signed between Ministry of Youth and Sports and Association of Amalgamated Hromadas


AOTH youth


Мiнiстерство молоді та спорту України

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