President: The united communities should receive the right to dispose of state land

President Petro Poroshenko is convinced that these are the local authorities, namely united communities, should have the right to dispose of state land plots.

“We are talking about the deconcentration of the sphere of land relations. Deconcentration is a synonym of decentralization, its component part. The work on the bill is completed, according to which the united territorial communities, I emphasize - it is only united - another powerful incentive, must immediately obtain the right to dispose of state land,” the Head of State noted in the II Ukrainian Forum of United Citizens “Initiatives that Change Life”.

According to him, it is wrong to concentrate in one state body, such as the State Service for Geodesy, Cartography and Land Registry. "In such cases, a conflict of interests is always generated," Petro Poroshenko said, noting that the evidence of this is serious remarks to the work of the abovementioned Service expressed in the last meeting of the Council for Regional Development.

“It would be very good if we transferred the powers of state registration to the executive committees of local councils. This will 100% remove land raiding, disputes, "titushok" in villages and the conflict as to who owns the crop. The united communities must agree on documentation on land management, and the control over the use of this, of course, can remain in the central council,” the President emphasized.

According to him, the issue of the so-called “gray” land lease needs to be resolved as well. The Head of State said that according to the data that was announced at the last meeting of the National Council for Reforms, now 12 million hectares of land, which is about 30% of all land resources, one way or another can be attributed to an opaque "gray" lease. "This is not just a "gray" lease, it means that a lot of funds, which should first of all go for community development go behind the budget - the state and local, first of all local," the President emphasized. He recalled the launch of a customs experiment, which showed significant positive results in the reconstruction and repair of roads throughout Ukraine.

“The community should be able to control the land tax. Consequently, we must create conditions where the landowner will be more profitable to officially lease the land or independently work on it and pay soft taxes than to go to the gray zone. This should simply be impossible. And I emphasize once again, local communities should be interested in this,” Petro Poroshenko said.

One of the motivations of such interest of the local community in deriving from the shadow should be the tax on personal income from lease of land plots and shares, as stated by the President. "Make part of the revenue base of local budgets. It is your money and you decide how to dispose of them. To do this, in my opinion, it is necessary for it to be paid not at the place of registration of the tax agent or the tax address of the tenant, as it is now, but exclusively at the location of the land," he said.

According to the Head of State, the relevant bill was agreed upon by the National Council of Reforms and he hopes that the document will be supported by the Verkhovna Rada. However, he stressed that the effective use and disposal of land resources depends on the system of land registration and audit.

04.12.2017 - 12:40 | Views: 22450
President: The united communities should receive the right to dispose of state land



land P.Poroshenko 2AHforum


Адміністрація Президента України

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