Busy life of small Hrabovetska hromada

Impressions of the only one amalgamated hromada present in the Stryi Rayon of the Lviv Oblast are made at its entrance with heavy machinery working and roads being repaired. There is a children’s playground in front of the village council, and the very council is sharing its office rooms with the library, Administrative Service Centre and community hall.

Thus, the first impression is that the hromada knows how to save money. Moreover, communicating with the employees, we understand that they know exactly what to spend their money at. Romana Lev-Karayeva, financial and economic department specialist, says that for the second year in a row, street lighting is being installed in all 6 villages of the AH: “In some places we have replaced the networks, footing and lanterns, while the rest of them are installed, as most villages have never had any street lighting. Imagine how pleasantly impressed the residents are when they receive a service they have not had before.”

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


30.11.2017 - 13:30 | Views: 15965
Busy life of small Hrabovetska hromada

Attached images:


Львівська область


Грабовецько-Дулібівська територіальна громада


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