U-LEAD with Europe invites you to participate in the Support Programs on the organization of the provision of social services for vulnerable categories of the population in a municipality.
What is the role and place of local self-government bodies in the system of support for families with children, people with disabilities and the elderly, children and persons under 23 years of age who have experience in alternative care and upbringing (graduates of institutional care and upbringing) in the municipality (hereinafter referred to as vulnerable categories of the population)? How to choose the method of providing social services for vulnerable categories of the population? How to plan the organization of the provision of social services for vulnerable people categories of the population? How to assess the effectiveness of the provision of social services for vulnerable categories of the population? What should be the local regulatory regulation of the provision of social services for vulnerable categories of the population?
Answers to these and many other questions in the new initiative U-LEAD with Europe on the organization of the provision of social services in the territorial municipality under the following Support Programs:
IMPORTANT: Three Support Programs on social services in a municipality are being launched at the same time. A municipality can participate in only one of the three programs, taking into account the priority of the implementation of certain social services in a particular municipality.
What is this?
Support programs where participants:
Who can become a member of the program?
10 municipalityes will be selected – 10 teams (2 participants each) for each of the three Support Programs.
From April 1, 2025. Duration - 6 weeks. All events will be held online and are free of charge for participants.
How to participate?
To participate in the selection, fill out one of three applications:
Submit to the application a copy of the report on the results of the assessment of the needs for the provision of social services, or an information and analytical certificate on the determination of the needs for the provision of social services (if any), and a letter signed by the head of the municipality, in which to confirm:
A completed one of the three applications in MS Excel format, an attached copy of the report/certificate and a letter must be sent to the e-mail address:
regops.u-lead@giz.de until 18:00 on March 11, 2025, indicating in the subject line:
The application is in MS Excel format, a copy of the report on the results of the assessment of the needs for the provision of social services/information and analytical reference on the identification of the needs for the provision of social services and a letter signed by the head in PDF format.
You can find out the details of participation in support programs at the promotional event that will take place at this link on March 5, 2025 at 2:00 p.m
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