Suspension of comprehensive spatial development plans for communities: draft law adopted as a basis

On 26 February, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted as a basis Draft Law on amendments to certain laws of Ukraine on the extension of the validity of territory planning documents No.12283.

The draft law calls for suspending the mandatory development of comprehensive community planning documents until 1 January 2028.

As previously reported, according to the current legislation, all communities had to develop their comprehensive spatial development plans by the end of December 2024. However, not all communities were able to comply with this requirement, for the procedure is complicated, lengthy, expensive and not a top priority at the local level in times of war.

Although the profile subcommittee proposed to adopt the draft law as a whole, the Ministry for Development of Communities and Territories proposed to adopt it only in the first reading, since, in their opinion, the current version of the document prohibits the development of comprehensive plans even for those communities that can and want to do so.

26.02.2025 - 12:21 | Views: 814
Suspension of comprehensive spatial development plans for communities: draft law adopted as a basis


spatial planning law


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