Ukrainian local officials gained hands-on experience in Polish municipalities, turning knowledge into action. Five impactful projects improved waste management, healthcare, senior and youth engagement. This initiative sets a model for future EU-Ukraine municipal cooperation.
Strengthening local governance through international collaboration is essential for Ukraine’s sustainable development and successful EU accession. Recognizing this need, the Solidarity Fund PL (SFPL), in partnership with U-LEAD with Europe, implemented a targeted initiative to enhance the competencies of Ukrainian local governments. The project provided hands-on experience through internships in Polish municipalities, allowing Ukrainian municipal employees to learn best practices, develop strategic solutions, and, eventually, implement projects in their municipalities.
The first stage of the project was focused on building capacity among 25 Ukrainian local government officials by organizing a 7-week internship program in Polish municipalities. At the end of their internships, participants presented 25 project ideas, outlining initiatives they aimed to implement in their municipalities to improve public services, infrastructure, and community engagement.
Building on the success of the internship stage, SFPL with support of U-LEAD extended the initiative by introducing a small project fund for funding of best project ideas. This stage provided Ukrainian municipalities with an opportunity to put their internship experiences into action by developing and executing small-scale projects.
As part of this extension, 25 municipalities were invited to submit project proposals for local initiatives aimed at addressing key community needs. A total of 19 applications were received, and after a thorough evaluation, the five most impactful projects were selected for financial support.
These projects, implemented between February and June 2024, focused on practical, community-driven solutions across different thematic areas:
These initiatives not only addressed pressing municipal challenges but also reinforced the project’s goal of translating knowledge gained during the internships into tangible improvements in local governance and public services.
To assess and celebrate the overall impact of the initiative, a summary meeting was held on July 30, 2024, bringing together internship graduates, partner organizations, and key stakeholders. This event provided a platform for participants to showcase their projects, share insights, and discuss best practices for municipal cooperation.
Additionally, video materials documenting project activities were produced and published in July 2024, further promoting the lessons learned and successes of the program.
This initiative successfully strengthened municipal cooperation between Ukraine and Poland, equipping Ukrainian local government officials with practical skills and actionable strategies to improve governance and public services. By combining capacity-building with direct project implementation, the program ensured that knowledge was not only gained but actively applied —creating tangible benefits for local communities.
As Ukraine continues its path toward European integration, this model of international municipal collaboration offers a valuable framework for scaling up local governance improvements and fostering stronger ties between Ukrainian and EU municipalities.
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