Entrepreneurship and innovation sit at the heart of the development strategy for Zhovkva, a dynamic community in Lviv Oblast, just 28 kilometers from Lviv and 40 kilometers from the Polish border. This commitment is more than a vision; it is a reality shaped by over three years of strategic initiatives aimed at empowering local businesses and drawing in investors. Today, Zhovkva reaps the rewards of these efforts: a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem, growing foreign investment, and a steadily increasing budget that fuels tangible improvements in the quality of life for its residents.
In August 2024, the Zhovkva Mayor Oleh Volskyi returned to the community with excellent news. BIOFARM, a major pharmaceutical company and one of Poland's largest drug manufacturers, expressed interest in establishing a new facility within the Zhovkva community:
"To learn more about the company and its production, I visited Poznan twice. I was impressed by the scale of the enterprise and how the company achieved such a high level in 35 years. We signed a memorandum of intent for cooperation, and the company has already allocated funds in its budget to build a new plant, which will be its only one in Ukraine," explains Oleh Volskyi.
BIOFARM was the first company to which Mayor Volskyi presented the community’s newly created investment portfolio. Developed with the USAID HOVERLA Activity support, this document was approved by the local council.
"The investment portfolio is a key document for investors, containing all essential information: available land plots, facilities, their areas, existing utilities, data about enterprises, tax rates, infrastructure, and more. Thanks to the USAID HOVERLA Activity, we managed to create a truly high-quality resource. When I presented our investment portfolio to BIOFARM, they were impressed with the high level at which we approach attracting investments. This further motivates them to support Ukraine and communities with such documents, as it shows we are ready for serious collaboration." adds Oleh Volskyi.
Zhovkva has already allocated 10 hectares of land for BIOFARM. The plant will create approximately 500 jobs, employ chemists and pharmacists, and significantly boost local budget revenues.
"The potential income in terms of personal income tax could be tens of millions of hryvnias. Construction investments alone might reach hundreds of millions," says Mayor Volskyi.
Zhovkva presents its economic potential to its 13 partner cities in Ukraine and worldwide. Partnerships have begun with Belgium (Malmedy), France (Coutances), Germany (Weimar, Wolfsburg, Altdorf bei Nürnberg), Lithuania (Elektrėnai), and Poland (Zamość, Tomaszów Lubelski, Mrocza), among others. These collaborations have strengthened the community’s resources, providing communal equipment, fire trucks, drones, and vehicles for the frontlines.
"During my business trip to London and the USA, I spoke with investors already operating in Ukraine who expressed interest in starting projects in Lviv Oblast. I always carry the investment profile with me - it’s my reliable assistant,” says Oleh Volskyi.
Halyna Kryvonis, a representative of the Estonian company Bellus UA LLC operating in the Zhovkva community, adds: “Zhovkva is attractive to us due to its proximity to the border. Additionally, the city council and the mayor are always supportive. Recently, we purchased another plot of land here.”
The community also pays significant attention to local entrepreneurs. With over 3,000 businesses registered in Zhovkva, the community has established local programs to support businesses, and the administration and economic department regularly inform entrepreneurs about regional, national, and international programs and grants offering training.
"I see the community’s efforts and am glad to see the growth of grants and cooperatives. Last year, I attended a green tourism training and received certification. I monitor, watch, and stay interested in everything," shares Ihor Kaspyschak, an entrepreneur and head of the Zhovkva Beekeepers Association.
Nadiya Shchur, head of the Economic Development, Investment Attraction, and Utilities Department in Zhovkva City Council, notes that their investment portfolio includes both state and private properties:
"By consulting local entrepreneurs, we identified those with available land and facilities, thus helping local businesses attract investors".
Moreover, Zhovkva is likely the only community in the Lviv Oblast to consistently host its own investment forums consistently for the past three years. These forums allow local businesses to promote their products, establish partnerships with other companies, and engage directly with government representatives at various levels. The forums are also a platform for the international promotion of the community's economic potential. This year's forum, supported by the USAID HOVERLA Activity, focused on promoting local producers.
"We noticed increased interest from people who began participating in competitions and grants to start their businesses. We, in turn, want to support and promote our producers across various platforms, encouraging people to buy local products," says Nadiya Shchur.
Recently, the Zhovkva community created its interactive investment dashboard, leveraging the Lviv Analytical portal from the USAID HOVERLA Activity. This dashboard, accessible on the city council’s website, provides investors with up-to-date information on investment opportunities in Zhovkva, available online 24/7.
Mayor Oleh Volskyi and Zhovkva entrepreneurs during the investment forum
"The development of entrepreneurship enables us to make our community better, more comfortable, and, most importantly, to help our country in its resistance against the aggressor. That is why entrepreneurs are our greatest asset. We thank them for their resilience, hard work, and efforts, and we are always ready to support them," concludes Oleh Volskyi.
Львівська областьГромади:
Жовківська територіальна громадаSource:
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