On 18 November 2023 (12.30-13.30 EET) the presentation of findings of the eighth Nationwide Sociological Survey on Multilevel Governance will be held in the National News Agency “Ukrinform” (address: 8/16 Bohdan Khmelnytsky Str., Kyiv).
The survey was commissioned by the Council of Europe within the Programme "Strengthening Good Democratic Governance and Resilience in Ukraine" in co-operation with the Specialised Parliamentary Committee on Local Self-Government and conducted in September-October 2024 by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology.
You can follow the presentation online via the Ukrinform YouTube-chanell.
Working language: Ukrainian and English.
For information:
The survey was conducted using telephone interviews and covered more than 3,000 respondents from two target groups:
which is sufficient to obtain a representative sample for Ukraine.
Its questionnaire was adapted to the context of the Russian Federation's war of aggression against Ukraine and the challenges linked to it.
The survey’s key topics are as follows:
The Council of Europe Programme "Strengthening Good Democratic Governance and Resilience in Ukraine" is implemented within the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine "Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction" (2023-2026) by the Centre of Expertise for Multilevel Governance at the Secretariat of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
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