On September 23-26, 30 representatives of local civil society organizations (CSOs) from Sumy and Chernihiv regions met with their counterparts from Lokachynska, Volodymyr, and Shatsk communities during a study tour to Volyn organized by the USAID HOVERLA Activity. Participants presented their initiatives, shared successful community development practices, and discussed potential cooperation formats. As a result, seven CSOs signed three memorandums of cooperation.
For instance, the Interregional Development Agency from Rozhyshche and the Local Recovery Agency from Dubovyazivka established a partnership to involve residents in community development and implement joint social, cultural, and inclusive projects. Meanwhile, the Cultural Underground from Bobrovytsia and the Nosivka Active Youth joined forces to better engage young people through joint projects.
Additionally, Sandy Banks from Shatsk, Okhtyrka Green City and Drive from Lebedyn initiated a trilateral partnership to address shared challenges in waste management, water resource conservation, and green tourism development.
Apart from CSO partnerships, Lokachi Village Council also established a cooperation with the Lokachi Communication Center.
"This organization creates a space in our community for active communication and collaboration among residents, fostering unity and mutual support. We strive to enhance these processes, as this is how we invest in an active and prosperous community where the government and residents work together for mutual well-being," shared Bohdan Ius, the Lokachi Mayor.
During the visit, participants also engaged with experienced CSOs, such as the Volyn Institute of Law, the Youth Platform, and the Development of Volyn.
This is the second study tour under the USAID HOVERLA Activity. During the first tour in August, 2024 five organizations from Zdolbuniv, Zhovkva, and Obroshyne signed three memorandums of cooperation in working with youth, collaborating in gender equality development and more. The USAID HOVERLA Activity continues to strengthen the capacity of CSOs in community development and recovery, supporting the efforts of the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine.
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participation of citizens exchange of experience
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