Novovorontsovska community a story of resilience, the risk of eco-disaster, and water supply for people

This is the Novovorontsovska community in Kherson Oblast.

There is a monument to the Kherson watermelon in this community - shot by bullets and cut by shell fragments, it became known worldwide as one of the symbols of the Ukrainians' indomitability.

In the first month of the full-scale invasion, the community was almost entirely occupied, with only the village of Novovorontsovka remaining free. At the end of October 2022, the Armed Forces of Ukraine completely liberated the community's territory. But along with a breath of freedom came fierce shelling.

The community residents have survived the occupation, the risk of an ecological disaster, and Russian shelling. Still, despite everything, they remain on their native land and take care of their wealth: vegetable gardens, watermelon fields, and apricot orchards. After the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant was blown up, the community found a way to use the disaster as an opportunity for development. Today, the site of the reservoir is a huge green meadow. Wildlife is returning here, and the vistas are inspiring.

Watch the video to find out how the Novovorontsovska community lives today, how it was able to provide water to people, and how the community manages to find development opportunities.



The video was created in partnership with ShoTam? and commissioned by Ukraine Crisis Media Center under the USAID DOBRE Program. The series of videos explains how communities can make a living and take advantage of all opportunities.


war stories


Херсонська область


Нововоронцовська територіальна громада



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