Radyvyliv and Brody Join Forces for Educators’ Professional Development

Radyvyliv, from Rivne Oblast, and Brody, from Lviv Oblast, belong to different regions, and at one time, a border between the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires divided them. However, they are located just 10 kilometers apart. The logical step to solidify their good neighborly relations was intermunicipal cooperation. The communities decided to join forces in the field of education.

As part of the cooperation, the Brody Municipal Center for Professional Development of Educators will provide services to educators from Radyvyliv, supporting their professional growth and scientific-methodological work. In turn, Radyvyliv City Council will co-finance this institution.

On September 5-6, 2024, Radyvyliv and Brody communities signed an agreement on intermunicipal cooperation with the support of the USAID HOVERLA Activity. The ceremonial signing took place during Radyvyliv's visit to Brody.

Also representatives familiarized themselves with Brody’s educational achievements and best practices. They visited leading educational institutions and explored how Brody is already successfully implementing a project within inter-municipal cooperation with the Zabolottsi and Pidkamin communities to provide services through an Inclusive Resource Center.

Additionally, the communities brainstormed ideas for future joint projects, particularly in the developing of extracurricular education for youth.

Brody Mayor Anatoliy Beley and Radyvyliv Mayor Mykola Karapetian expressed their gratitude to the USAID HOVERLA Activity which provided expert guidance and organized the visit.

The USAID HOVERLA Activity supports the Ministry of Communities and Territorial Development’s efforts in establishing inter-municipal cooperation among communities, which boost their comprehensive development. There are around 40 signed agreements with the HOVERLA's support. It helps optimize resource use, promotes cultural diversity, stimulates economic growth, and addresses environmental issues, and facilitates the creation of large-scale projects.

13.09.2024 - 18:50 | Views: 1937
Radyvyliv and Brody Join Forces for Educators’ Professional Development

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cooperation education


Львівська область Рівненська область


Радивилівська територіальна громада Бродівська територіальна громада



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