Communities Shape Vision for Regional Development

In March and April, representatives from communities in Odesa, Zakarpattia, Rivne, Volyn, and Lviv Oblasts participated in strategic sessions to jointly plan regional spatial development. These events, conducted by the USAID HOVERLA Activity, contributed to the modernization of regional strategies, considering the challenges of war and Ukraine's status as a candidate for EU membership.

During the strategic sessions, communities presented their vision for local and regional development. They also mapped key points of their discussions, defining where stores, hospitals, or industrial parks will be located, and how to organize public transportation access to social institutions and manage waste, among other things.



The activity aims to align strategic, spatial, and budget planning of the regions effectively, using resources and focusing on the well-being of residents, a clean environment, prospects for potential investors, and preservation of cultural heritage.

During the sessions, local governments worked with regional and district military administrations, regional councils, experts, and the public. They used data from Analytical Portals, developed by USAID HOVERLA, as a key source of information about resources, needs, and opportunities, which helped to make informed decisions. The developed proposals will shape the updated regional strategies.

This is a unique format of discussion, initiated by the USAID HOVERLA Activity, being held for the first time in Ukraine to support the efforts of the Ministry of Restoration in harmonizing strategic, spatial, and budget planning, and creating coherent approaches to the development of strategic documents at all levels.


30.04.2024 - 14:51 | Views: 1773
Communities Shape Vision for Regional Development


international support spatial planning stratehiia rozvytku


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