Dobroslav lays a solid foundation for the territory's sustainable development

Dobroslav community in the Odesa region, with the support of the USAID HOVERLA Activity, held a strategic session on the development of the Comprehensive Spatial Development Plan for the community.

More than 100 representatives from local government bodies, utility companies, educational, cultural, and healthcare institutions, the public sector, neighboring communities, oblast and rayon administrations, businesses, and youth organizations came together to share their ideas and visions for the community's future.

Dobroslav launched the process of collecting planning proposals after they decided in October 2023 to develop a comprehensive plan for the spatial development of the territory. The next step was to discuss the already developed planning solutions with representatives of various groups in the community. The USAID HOVERLA Activity provided expert support and assistance in preparing the necessary documents, collecting baseline data, formulating the future plan, and conducting an important stage - a public discussion of the first developments during the strategic session.

Viacheslav Holynskyi, Head of the Odesa Regional Office of the USAID HOVERLA Activity:

"Dobroslav residents were among the first in the oblast to adopt a new development strategy. These efforts lay a solid foundation for the territory's sustainable development by harmonizing strategic, spatial, economic, and budget planning documents. This integrated vision will allow them to move forward with confidence."



Liudmyla Prokopechko, head of the Dobroslav territorial community:

"A comprehensive spatial development plan is an important strategic document every community should have. It will help to assess the potential, balance the community's resources, and show how to manage them more correctly and organize chaotic decisions in short-term and long-term planning. The support provided to us today by the USAID HOVERLA Activity cannot be overrated."



The next step will be to process the results of the strategic session by working group members of the Dobroslav community and USAID HOVERLA Activity experts and incorporate them into the future Comprehensive Spatial Development Plan.

02.04.2024 - 11:18 | Views: 2460
Dobroslav lays a solid foundation for the territory's sustainable development

Attached images:


spatial planning international support


Одеська область


Доброславська територіальна громада


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