The Swiss-Ukrainian project DECIDE, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, is launching a new direction “DECIDE: VET” to support the reform of vocational education in Ukraine. This initiative will combine the efforts of regional state administrations and territorial communities, vocational and technical education institutions, schools, and businesses to develop a career guidance system and enhance the attractiveness of vocational education.
Switzerland allocates 2 million Swiss francs (over 80 million hryvnias) to support the reform of vocational education in Ukraine.
The DECIDE project will provide expert and technical support to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in implementing vocational education reform at the national level, especially in:
Additionally, the initiative will pilot models of cooperation between regional state administrations, territorial communities, VET institutions, schools, and businesses to develop a system of career support for students. In particular:
“Vocational education reform is a priority for the Government of Ukraine. This is evidenced by the investments in the sector that continue even in the face of a full-scale war. During the post-war recovery period, we will need a lot of skilled workers with modern knowledge and skills. However, we need to take care of meeting these needs now. I am grateful to Switzerland for supporting the reform of vocational education and for expanding the DECIDE project to a new direction dedicated to vocational education reform. I am confident that the allocated resources will be a good basis for the recovery of the Ukrainian economy and the rebuilding of infrastructure,” said Dmytro Zavgorodnyi, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.
“For the restoration and development of Ukraine, it is extremely important to have trained professionals. In Switzerland, for example, 75 percent of students choose vocational education. To raise the prestige of vocational education in Ukraine, it is necessary to fundamentally change not only the educational infrastructure and content but also to build an effective career guidance system,” noted Andreas Huber, Director of the Cooperation Program at the Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine.
“In order to guarantee that parents and kids receive appropriate career assistance while choosing their future careers, it is critical to promote cooperation between local government agencies, businesses, schools, and vocational institutions. The goal of this joint endeavor is to establish a clear link between education and the labour market, enabling young Ukrainians to have aspirations of a better future in their native country and pursue modern, in-demand professions,” emphasized Valentyna Poltorak, DECIDE Project Manager.
The piloting of the career guidance system will be implemented until the end of 2024.
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