Ukrainian communities demonstrate admirable resilience. Over the past two years, they have not ceased to develop and have only grown stronger.
To mark the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion, the USAID HOVERLA Activity shares a series of stories of communities that confidently overcome the challenges of war. With the HOVERLA’s support, they demonstrate the strength and capacity, which decentralization reform built.
The series of publications includes text and video stories with interviews with local government leaders:
Building Resilience: The Story of Bobrovytsia Community's Recovery after Occupation
Keeping the lights on in Artsyz
Refuge in the mountains: How Polyana community helps thousands of IDPs
“Confident that we will endure” How the Shatska community rallied during the toughest times of war
Keeping Citizens Safe. How Obroshyne strengthened its security during the war
USAID HOVERLA Activity has adapted its support as a response to Russia’s full-scale invasion. HOVERLA assisted partners in emergency response, service continuity, and recovery efforts. In addition to comprehensive institutional support, 98 Ukrainian communities and 11 regional military administrations, with a total population of over 2.6 million Ukrainians, received dozens and hundreds of important modern equipment:
The USAID HOVERLA Activity continues to support the Ukrainian Government in implementing Decentralization Reform and developing capable, strong, accountable, and transparent local governments.
Волинська область Закарпатська область Львівська областьГромади:
Полянська територіальна громада Шацька територіальна громада Оброшинська територіальна громадаSource:
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