11 relevant grant opportunities for municipalities in the field of recovery and development

Experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme continue to compile selections of relevant grant opportunities on various fields of local self-government activity in the conditions of the war.

U-LEAD reminds that municipalities can rely on the Programme's assistance in terms of preparation and submission of project applications in order to attract international funds for implementing projects. Our experts are open to cooperation with municipalities and ready to provide assistance in the process of drawing up and submitting a project application.

We offer a selection of 11 relevant grant opportunities for municipalities in the field of recovery and development, that may be of interest to local self-government bodies.

1. ZMINA: Rebuilding. The first wave of national sub-grants

Priorities of the competition: 1) concentrated on developing resilience in wartime and post-war, preserving and developing identities, senses and values, rebuilding and exploring new social norms and relationships between people, decolonisation, creating new cultural narratives, culture-based methods of planning urban and architectural reconstruction, municipal development, etc;

2) focused on the specific role of the cultural and creative sector in the nation's social and economic development;

3) intended to engage the general public in envisioning the post-war future and shaping the public's imagination of the desired appearance of municipalities, infrastructure, relations of social norms, involving local municipalities as well;

4) aimed to achieve results shaped by specific creative forms that are physically manifested and can be disseminated among other local municipalities.

Who can participate? 1) individual applicants representing Ukrainian cultural and creative sectors - legal entities (public or private) representing organisations of Ukrainian cultural and creative sector, including departments of culture; 2) municipal and state cultural and educational institutions operating at the national and local levels.

Grant amount: Up to EUR 10,000.

Application deadline: 07 September 2023

Learn more: http://surl.li/jmedf

2. Grant competition to support CSO research initiatives

Priorities of the competition: 1) European integration research in line with the priorities of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement; 2) post-war recovery related studies; 3) research on the activities of civil society organisations during the war; 4) technical capacity studies of the applying CSO or others.

Potential areas to implement projects:

  1. VICTORY: support from the international coalition; weapons and financial support advocacy; counteraction to Russian hybrid aggression in international institutions and academic circles; support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine; fair trial for war criminals, punishment for Russia and compensation to the victims.
  2. EARLY RECOVERY: assistance to IDPs; humanitarian aid; social cohesion; restoration; rehabilitation and emergency psychological care;
  3. ECONOMY: advocacy for liberalisation reforms; restarting displaced businesses; education on the importance of economic freedom and entrepreneurial initiative;
  4. DEMOCRACY: access to information; decision-making involvement; support for civil society and volunteer culture; freedom of speech; independent media development;
  5. SAFETY: physical (shelters, alert systems, first aid); psychological, digital;
  6. NATIONAL IDENTITY: education, culture, countering propaganda, fakes, and psyops; youth work; civic education;
  7. COMMUNITY, COMMUNITIES: development of a partnership culture (around common goals, based on shared values); restoration of heritage continuity with the diaspora; veterans' movement, social cohesion.

Who can participate? NGOs, non-profit organisations and organisations experienced in analytical work.

Grant amount: maximum grant amount not to exceed UAH 750,000 Optimal grant amount: up to UAH 550,000

Application deadline: 30 November 2023.

Learn more: http://surl.li/jmenf

3. Promoting involvement of municipal residents in the restoration of Ukraine

Priorities of the competition: promoting active involvement of the residents of municipalities in the restoration processes in Ukraine at the local level, ensuring their engagement in the development and decision-making on recovery, as well as transparency and accountability of this process.

Who can participate? NGOs, public unions, bodies of self-organisation (BSOs) and charitable organisations / their staff having at least one year of practical experience of local work, applying local democracy tools, and with knowledge and skills in terms of restoration, transparency and accountability.

Grant amount: UAH 1,000,000 to 1,200,000.

Application deadline: 01/09/2023.

Project implementation period: up to 12 months The estimated period for the start of project implementation is 1 November 2023.

Learn more: http://surl.li/jmepk

4. Grants for green energy projects

Priorities of the competition: 1) developing and introducing solutions to promote implementing energy efficiency measures within the municipality; 2) promoting and deploying RES; 3) participating in national policies to prevent climate change.

Who can participate?
1) local self-government bodies (LSG);
2) non-profits (that have the status of a legal entity within the municipality submitting the application);
3) consortia that have legal grounds for operation.

Grant amount: up to EUR 10,000 in hryvnia equivalent.

Application deadline: 15 May 2024.

Project implementation period: Up to 9 calendar months.

Learn more: https://ecoclubrivne.org/grant_oms

5. German Marshall Fund’s “Relief, Resilience, Recovery” grant programme. Current projects.

Priorities of the competition. Urgent needs of public activists and media professionals, as well as their families, including but not limited to:

1) Access to social, legal and psychological services;

2) Support for immediate/temporary relocation within Ukraine or to neighbouring countries (e.g. Moldova, Romania, Poland or other refugee-hosting countries), including assistance with transportation costs, temporary housing and seasonal equipment;

Who can participate? NGOs and independent media that are legally registered, located, relocated to and/or operate from Ukraine and neighbouring countries.

Grant amount: up to $25,000.

Funding restrictions: applications cannot cover food, construction/renovation or clothing costs. The share of expenses provided for in the budget to compensate the fees of members of the organisation’s team should not exceed 40 per cent.

Application deadline: On the 15th and 30th of each month.

Project duration: 3–12 months.

Learn more: http://surl.li/fbvjs

6. Recovery and straightening of the capacities of NGOs. German Marshall Fund’s “Relief, Resilience, Recovery” grant programme

Priorities of the competition. Addressing the urgent needs of NGOs to enable them to operate and continue to provide assistance to their beneficiaries. Within this direction, the following types of activities are provided, including but not limited to:

  1. Digital maintenance such as replacement and/or purchase of new equipment, recovery and/or development of data storage and data security systems;
  2. Access to psychological support and treatment services for staff and volunteers;
  3. Legal support for those who find themselves in abusive situations, including human trafficking, bribery, etc.;
  4. Institutional support for reimbursement of wages to the main team, rent for office premises (temporary relocation or permanent office), utilities and communication services;
  5. Emergency preparedness, including training on data protection, first aid and survival skills in war/conflict zones;
  6. Development of capabilities and practices that can prevent digital and physical attacks against NGOs and media organisations located in Ukraine and abroad.

Who can participate? NGOs and independent media that are legally registered, located, relocated to and/or operate from Ukraine and neighbouring countries.

Grant amount: up to $25,000.

Funding restrictions: applications cannot cover food, construction/renovation or clothing costs. The share of expenses provided for in the budget to compensate the fees of members of the organisation’s team should not exceed 40 per cent.

Project duration: 3–12 months.

Learn more: https://www.gmfus.org/urrr-call-proposal-and-applications

7. Recovery and straightening of the capacities of NGOs in the liberated territories. German Marshall Fund’s “Relief, Resilience, Recovery” grant programme

Priorities of the competition. Addressing the urgent needs of NGOs to facilitate recovery of their operation and enable them to continue to provide support to their beneficiaries. Within this direction, the following types of activities are provided, including but not limited to:

  1. Promoting the development and support of organisations and their beneficiaries in the liberated territories, including supporting the recovery of access to administrative and social services;
  2. Supporting organisations working on establishing communication and coordination with state and local self-government bodies for the reintegration of liberated territories;
  3. Supporting organisations of internally displaced persons and local residents of liberated territories, including access to legal, social and psychological services;
  4. Institutional support for reimbursement of wages to the main team, rent for office premises (temporary relocation or permanent office), utilities and communication services;
  5. Supporting the implementation of formal and informal educational safety trainings, including safety rules related to explosive remnants of war, in particular in the liberated territories.

Who can participate? NGOs and independent media that are legally registered, located, relocated to and/or operate from Ukraine and neighbouring countries.

Grant amount: up to $25,000.

Funding restrictions: applications cannot cover food, construction/renovation or clothing costs. The share of expenses provided for in the budget to compensate the fees of members of the organisation’s team should not exceed 40 per cent.

Project duration: 3–12 months.

Learn more: https://www.gmfus.org/urrr-call-proposal-and-applications

8. Media support. German Marshall Fund’s “Relief, Resilience, Recovery” grant programme

Priorities of the competition. Supporting the key role of the media, namely informing their audiences. Within this direction, the following types of activities are provided, including but not limited to:

1) Key support of urgent needs, including salary payments, temporary relocation expenses (rent, utilities), communication services and equipment, including laptops, cameras, microphones, etc.;

2) Supporting those who create media content with a variety of sources and formats of information reliability through on-the-spot reporting and fact-checking;

3) Monitoring and exposing malicious information actors, their narratives and methods of information dissemination;

4) Creating content aimed at diversifying the audiences and attracting new ones;

5) Development of recommendations to reduce the impact of false information;

6) Access to services for journalists, including psychological support, coaching, treatment and working through trauma;

7) Personal safety/survival skills training for journalists in war/conflict zones.

Who can participate? NGOs and independent media that are legally registered, located, relocated to and/or operate from Ukraine and neighbouring countries.

Grant amount: up to $25,000.

Funding restrictions: Applications cannot cover food, construction/renovation or clothing costs. The share of expenses provided for in the budget to compensate the fees of members of the organisation’s team should not exceed 40 per cent.

Project duration: 3–12 months.

Learn more: https://www.gmfus.org/urrr-call-proposal-and-applications

9. Support of educational projects, youth organisations and public initiatives for the recovery of Ukraine. German Marshall Fund’s “Relief, Resilience, Recovery” grant programme

Priorities of the competition. Supporting NGOs, including youth organisations, and recovery of their activities and support of their beneficiaries. Within this direction, the following types of activities are provided, including but not limited to:

1) Promoting the development and support of organisations that work on making and developing policies for shaping national memory and identity in the context of war and post-war recovery at the local and state levels;

2) Promoting the development and support of organisations, in particular youth organisations, that work on the development and implementation of policies and projects for the recovery of Ukraine, especially at local levels;

3) Strengthening the capacity of organisations that work and/or are involved in the development, implementation and monitoring of plans and projects for the recovery of Ukraine at the local, regional and/or national levels, as well as contribute to the coordination of these efforts between NGOs and state institutions.

Who can participate? NGOs and independent media that are legally registered, located, relocated to and/or operate from Ukraine and neighbouring countries.

Grant amount: up to $25,000.

Funding restrictions: Applications cannot cover food, construction/renovation or clothing costs. The share of expenses provided for in the budget to compensate the fees of members of the organisation’s team should not exceed 40 per cent.

Project duration: 3–12 months.

Application deadlines: On the 15th and 30th of each month.

Learn more: http://surl.li/fbvjs

10. USAID Health Reform Support Project

Priorities of the competition:
1) Strengthen the healthcare system and eliminate critical gaps. This can be achieved by ensuring the availability of medical supplies and equipment to restore and maintain basic services;
2) Restore the operation of facilities through addressing non-structural damage caused by the war (grant funds CAN NOT be used for construction works).

Who can participate? Municipal primary health care (PHC) institutions, including PHC centres or other health care facilities providing PHC services within one of the target oblasts, having a formal contract with the National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) and covering all population age groups and categories. Kyiv, Chernihiv and Zhytomyr Oblasts are the target oblasts of the Project. Support may be expanded to other oblasts (e.g. Kharkiv or Dnipro) after de-occupation and subject to other partners' secure access.

Application deadline: on an ongoing basis until 30 September 2023.

Learn more: https://www.prostir.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/APS-Winterization-Grants_vFINAL_UKR.pdf

11. Open Grant Programme from the USAID Health Reform Support Project (continued)

Priorities of the competition:
1) Provide or restore access to the healthcare system for Ukrainian citizens. This is to be achieved by ensuring citizens access to appropriate quality services through support to local health care systems/HCFs or municipalities, including IDPs and other vulnerable groups with access to services disrupted by the direct or indirect consequences of war.

2) Strengthen the health care system to eliminate technical gaps in life-saving medical care. This is to be achieved by supporting local health care systems and HCFs to respond to the needs of vulnerable groups and those with access to basic services disrupted by the impact of war on the health care system. Such support may include training for specialised and primary health care providers, technical assistance, goods (excluding pharmaceuticals) or equipment to restore and maintain medical services;

3) Resume the facility's operation. This is to be achieved by addressing non-structural damage caused by the war (funds CAN NOT be used for construction or structural restoration).

Who can participate? Representatives of civil society (including non-governmental academic institutions, think tanks and/or professional associations), organisations of patients and human rights groups, health care facilities (HCFs) and municipality-based organisations.

Area of the competition. Oblasts which: 1) liberated (or de-occupied) and having damaged/disrupted local health care systems or services; and/or 2) experiencing significant war-related health care pressures, for example, due to high concentrations of internally displaced persons (IDPs) or other vulnerable groups.

Application deadline: on an ongoing basis until 30 September 2023.

Learn more: http://surl.li/gegkc

07.08.2023 - 09:52 | Views: 14619
11 relevant grant opportunities for municipalities in the field of recovery and development


grant budget repair


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