Melitopol will soon have a sister city in the US.
This was announced by Ivan Fedorov, Mayor of Melitopol, who is currently participating in the North and South American Cities Summit.
The event is held by the US State Department with the support of USAID. The Summit brought together more than 200 mayors from 35 countries.
“I told about the terror perpetrated by the Russian military in the temporarily occupied territories and the need to liberate our people. We agreed on cooperation with American cities regarding the recovery of Melitopol and other territories after de-occupation. Soon our municipality will have a sister city in the US,” Ivan Fedorov wrote on his social media page.
On April 19-20, the International Summit of Cities and Regions was held in Ukraine, organised by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine. Among its tasks was the consolidation of the international community of local and regional authorities in support of Ukraine. At the Summit alone, 11 different agreements were signed on international inter-municipal and inter-regional cooperation. Moreover, at the International Summit of Cities and Regions, representatives of the local self-government of Ukraine and about thirty other countries, as well as the highest officials of Ukraine, witnessed by high-ranking officials of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, the Council of Europe, the European Committee of the Regions, declared their readiness to join efforts to help in building a peaceful, democratic and prosperous future, to contribute to the establishment of a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace in Ukraine to ensure international security and stability of the entire world.
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Запорізька областьГромади:
Мелітопольська територіальна громадаSource:
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