Participation in Network will help:
The outcomes of participation in the Network:
During 4 months, starting in April 2023, during online training and consultations, with the help and support of experts, self-governing bodies of the participating municipalities will develop (update) individual documents that will be key to the implementation of an effective system of internal control and audit in the municipality.
Teams of local self-government bodies of 48 municipalities with a population of less than 50,000 will be selected to participate in the work of the Network. The team (up to three people) may include the heads of local financial bodies themselves, their deputies, employees of local financial bodies, divisions of the internal audit, officials responsible for the organization of internal control and audit in the municipality, and representatives of the main managers of funds.
To participate in the selection, it is necessary to fill out the application attached to and send it to the email address: by 06:00 p.m. on April 12, 2023. In the message subject should be indicated: "Control and audit. Municipality_oblast".
To get more details regarding the work in the Network you can by joining the online Event-presentation, which will take place on April 4, 2023, at 10:00 a.m., to participate, please register using this link
Attached files:
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