The city of Kovel in Volyn region will cooperate with the American city of Chamblee. The partnership agreement was signed the other day by Kovel Mayor Ihor Chaika and Chamblee Mayor Brian K. Mock.
This is reported by the official website of the Kovel City Council.
Chamblee is the tenth municipality with which Kovel established a partnership.
“The world is now open, it is created so that people can exchange experiences, make friends, and not fight with each other. We previously communicated with Brian online, discussed directions of our cooperation. Many thousands of kilometers away, I felt the desire of Brian and his team to help us, to be by our side in this difficult time”, said Ihor Chaika.
The cities plan to develop the partnership in the fields of business, art, culture, education, sports, and tourism. The parties agreed to maintain direct relations, exchange work experience between local self-government bodies.
Chamblee is a city of 50,000 people in the state of Georgia, near Atlanta. The second largest private airport in the southern part of North America is located here. The city was founded 100 years ago at the crossroads of railways.
“We really wanted to support Ukraine. Although our cities are in other parts of the world, but thanks to technology, we are very close. And this opens up great opportunities for cooperation, communication (…) After such a difficult day with sounds of sirens and no light and water for several hours, you sing songs again in the evening. This is possible only in Ukraine. Thank you for allowing me to be here with you. This is a real honor for me”, – said Brian Mock.
partnership war international support
Волинська областьГромади:
Ковельська територіальна громадаSource:
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